Thursday, February 27, 2020

International Trade and Globalization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words - 1

International Trade and Globalization - Essay Example The paper will analyze the globalization of international business, for instance, in regard to market entry techniques and the importance of multi-national global brands and corporations, from different perspectives. Comparative advantage determines international trade. Theory of comparative advantage argues that the common rate of profit and the standard of wages are not at equilibrium internationally as they are in a domestic market. The assumption of comparative advantage theory is that capital cannot be moved from less profitable to more profitable sectors of production. If this is the case, it would lead to an equalization of the profits rates like in the domestic market. Consequently, the wage rates are not equalized in the international market due to lack of labor movement. A nation is said to be at a comparative advantage in the production of commodities if the opportunity cost of generating the product is lower compared to other countries. The comparative advantage theory is concerned with a trade of homogeneous products. On the other hand, new trade theory focuses on intra-industry and inter-industry trade. Intra-industry trade is the exchange of similar products within a common industry for example goods at various levels of production. Intra-industry trade is the exchange of similar products within a common industry for example goods at various levels of production. Inter-industry trade is the exchange of goods from various industries, for instance, trading agricultural products for equipment and machinery.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Micro Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Micro - Essay Example The logic is that the cost required to produce another unit of the output should be equal to the revenue generated from that additional unit. It is illustrated as follows. AR MC MR AC P P’ Q Q’ In the above diagram, the monopolist decides output at the point where MR=MC. The corresponding price from the demand curve is then set which is P > P’. P’ is the perfect competition price and Q is the corresponding output. (Chakraborty, 351-354) Monopoly and Deadweight Loss The monopolist makes a higher profit due to the single market and manages to appropriate a part of the consumer’s surplus. D P M P’ E C O Q MR AR In the above diagram the consumer surplus was DP’C under perfect competition. The monopolist appropriates PMEP’ amount of consumer surplus. Its producers’ surplus is P’EQO. Therefore loss of social welfare or the deadweight loss is EMC. This is lost from the society due to inefficiencies of monopoly. (Chakrabor ty, 351-354) Perfect Discrimination Perfect price discrimination is a special case of monopoly where the producer can extract the maximum price from each buyer. The producer in this case deals with each consumer individually. He has perfect information about the buyers. Therefore he is able to charge a price high enough from each buyer. The prices in this case differ from buyer to buyer.